Almost everyone nowadays applies for roles digitally. This means that your application could be one of hundreds sitting in the inbox of the recruitment agent or HR professional you submitted it to. It’s vital that your application stands out among the rest, and your first impression happens in your email subject line. An interesting and eye-catching subject line is more likely to result in someone reading your application, so to help here are 21 catchy subject line options for you to try:
How can I make a contribution to your company?
Make a great decision before your 2nd cup of coffee by hiring me
What my resume does not tell you
I have done my research – I am your ideal candidate
Hiring me will change your company
I am looking for opportunities – keep me in mind
I should be your next [Job Title]
Hello – is it me you’re looking for?
I am your ideal candidate – here is why
You are looking for a [Job Title]. I am available.
I am your next great hire. This is why I say so.
I only need 3 minutes of your valuable time
Rare talent requires exceptional representation
Seeking the right opportunity
See why I would be ideal for the [Job Title] role in just 30 seconds
[Current Job Title + Current Company] – I would love to work with you
Award-winning [Current Job Title] looking for new opportunities
I am a [Job Title] with a difference. Hire me.
Looking for new opportunities and challenges
You need me as a candidate for the [Job Title] role
[Your Name] – the best addition to your team
There are many more ways to grab attention in your subject line, but we hope these provide a good jumping off point for your own ideas. Researching the company you are sending your application to will also give you a good idea of how to make a good first impression with them.