21 lessons which created a thriving business in 2020

21 lessons which created a thriving business in 2020

2020 will be the year of surprise, that many ‘knew’ was coming but never actually believed would be in our lifetime. It defined who we are as individuals, it defined the word ‘pivot’ for so many and ensured our health, family and homes became our priority.

We at Job Crystal (www.jobcrystal.co.za) were the lucky (and incredibly grateful) ones, we not only survived as a business, but we also thrived! This was due to many things like a phenomenal team and some innovative ideas but was ultimately because we had a good solid base to work from. We had a business coach who pushed us to achieve a good cash flow, and we had created a wide customer base long before 2020 started.

Goodbye 2020

So, as we say goodbye to 2020, we wanted to share our lessons learnt in 2020 for all other businesses, we hope many of these can help you in 2021 to be your thriving year!

1A business coach is an investment
2A wide customer base gives you a stable base
3Cash flow helps you survive more than you knew in 2019
4Communications is key to your team, customers, and suppliers
5Daily virtual meetings work for a remote team
6Dedication, commitment, and drive are essential in thriving
7Detailed planning too far in the future is a waste
8Everything will be ok in the end and if it is not OK it not the end
9Everything you now find easy, was once found hard
10Health is critical
11It is the small things done consistently that changes the dial
12Leaders need to work ON The business not IN the business
13Marketing, marketing, marketing
14Part-time commitment delivers part-time results
15Share your vision consistently and constantly with your team
16The best thinking has been done in solitude
17The right mindset is crucial
18There is a difference between being busy and being productive
19Think big, start small
20What you do each day matters more than what you once in a while
21When you know better you do better

In closing

May your last day of 2020 be a day of reflection on the lessons (FYI failures are lessons), the wins and the gratitude of the year that taught us all about hindsight is 20/20.

*Sasha Knott is the MD of Job Crystal, previous finalist in Business Women of the Year, Entrepreneur and Female Speaker on SME, Business, Tech and Recruitment – follow here for more articles: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasha-knott-aa23b06/