3 Ways to Wow at Your New Job

3 Ways to Wow at Your New Job

Getting the job is one thing but making sure you stick out the probation period is your next challenge. Starting well is key to making sure you hold onto your new role, so here are 3 ways to wow in your new job.

1. Start positively

This may seem obvious, but one of the easiest ways to make a good impression in your new role is to be positive. You are coming into a new space with new experience and new energy and as such have a great opportunity to bring a fresh new positivity to your new workplace. As a newcomer, you naturally have a lot of excitement and anticipation around your new role, so directing that in such a way that you motivate those around you will immediately set you up for success going forward.

When asked to do a task, even if it’s a small task or outside of your job description, tackle it enthusiastically. You will set yourself up as someone who can be trusted with bigger tasks going forward.

2. Start confidently

Being confident from the get-go will benefit you in the long run. Make sure that you understand the job you’ve been hired for and that that you’ve thoroughly researched the company. Make an effort to meet everyone you’re working with. You’re going to be introducing yourself a lot and answering a lot of questions. As such, it could be helpful to prepare a short intro on yourself. Briefly explain who you are and your career background. Preparing it beforehand will keep you from oversharing or not sharing enough.

As far as possible, try to get to know the people you are working with, from the junior staff up to senior management. And take an interest in staff activities outside of work. The more outgoing you are at the beginning, the more comfortable you will feel in your role going forward.

3. Start wisely

It’s a huge mistake to get involved in office politics right away. As you get to know your new co-workers try to stay neutral on issues. Don’t take sides with anyone. You will be able to figure out your own stance on the issues later.

Be careful initially about the information you share with others and who you share that information with. We want to believe that everyone has good intentions when learning more about you. There are, however, sometimes those people in the workplace who will find ways to use your words against you. Until you learn who you can trust at your new company, rather share less than more.

Also make sure that you are listening and learning as much as possible. Learn both the ins and outs of your role, but also about how things in the office work. The quicker you learn, the quicker you will feel comfortable in your new role.

Keep in mind:

There is a reason you were hired, so start with confidence. The people who interviewed you for the role thought you were the right person for their team. Also remember that the probation period is as much for you as it is for the company. You might find that despite your best efforts, things are still not working out. This is an opportunity for you to look for something more suited to what you are looking for. Hopefully, however, by using these three principles, you will be able to hit the ground running. And hopefully you will find a company and team where you feel at home.