5 Things Candidates Wish You Knew When Hiring

5 Things Candidates Wish You Knew When Hiring

The recruitment process is a daunting one. For hiring professionals, it means screening countless CVs, interviewing numerous candidates, and often doing this for multiple roles at a time. It can be easy in the process to forget that on the other side of the application is someone’s career – something that will likely have an impact on almost every area of their life in some way. It’s important, therefore, to see things from their perspective. Here are 5 things that candidates wish hiring professionals knew.

1. They want to hear back from you

One of the most disheartening parts of job-seeking is not hearing back about your applications. We’ve all felt the sting of applying for something we’re really excited about only to not hear anything back. While it’s a fact that some recruiters and hiring managers are handling hundreds of applications every day, it doesn’t change the fact that each of those hundreds is applying for the role in hopes of getting it. As a recruiter or hiring professional, try to at least acknowledge that the application was received. It goes a long way to making the candidate on the other end feel valued.

2. Their time is also important and often scarce

There are always some circumstances where interviews can only be conducted at certain times. However, many candidates become disheartened with having to take time off work without arousing suspicion from their current employer. Where possible, offer the candidate the opportunity to provide a time that would suit them. It goes a long way to ensuring that the employee is respected and valued in the recruitment process.

3. They want to know how the process works

You as a hiring professional need to know the current status of other interviews your candidates have ongoing. But candidates need to know how your hiring or recruitment process works just as much. If you decide to take on a candidate, explain to them what the next steps are. Keep them up to date on how far they are in the process. This will eliminate confusion and make them less likely to pursue less other roles they may have applied for.

4. They want to be considered, even if they’re overqualified

It’s easy to dismiss a candidate as the wrong fit when you see that their qualifications far outweigh the requirements of the role. This can, however, be unfair. There are several reasons a candidate may want to take on the role. Family responsibility, mental illness, or even just wanting to work in a role or industry they are passionate about are all valid reasons. You could be missing out on a highly skilled candidate by not considering them.

5. They want to know why they weren’t successful

Just regretting a candidate is not enough. They want to learn from their experience and take it into the next job application. Provide them with the reasons that they weren’t hired for the current role, even if it wasn’t their fault. This allows them to prepare for the next interview or application with confidence.

Keep in mind

To have the best chance of securing quality candidates who will enhance and help grow your business, remember that they are investigating you as much as you are investigating them. If candidates don’t feel respected through the recruitment process, it is likely that they will choose a company where they feel more comfortable. We’ve all been candidates before. Remembering what that process was like will give you your best chance at securing quality talent.