I have shared previously how I was retrenched and dug my way out of the unemployment hole a few times. While more and more people are being made redundant, retrenched, or put-on short time. We have a few options while you job search. These ideas are shared, all 7 when I get a CV sent to me. We hope they can help you go from unemployed to employed in a different way.
7 ways to go from unemployed to employed
1. Freelancing
Try www.Freelancer.com, www.Fiver.com and www.Peopleperhour.com (lots of others just google freelancer website) and bid for different projects that you can do around the world. If you do not believe you have a skill you would be amazed how many people need a data capturing, a virtual assistant, a person to answer phones etc.
2. Blogging or Influencer
Want to become a blogger or influencer? Now may be the time to start a blog (free) or a following (if this is something of interest for you). It will take time to build but what do you have lots of now = TIME! (just look at our blog www.jobcrystal.co.za/blog/)
3. Charity
All charities need extra hands and as much as you will not get paid it will keep your sanity. Added bonus majority of the boards of charities are well known in corporate worlds so at least your network will increase. If you love animals check in with the SPCA, Animal Anti-Cruelty, what about visiting an elderly home or helping at an orphanage? Again, the one thing you have is time – use it to help someone else.
4. Study
If you have some money and able to study some more and gain some more learnings so you do not have a gap in your CV. Then a great time to do some studying. www.unisa.ac.za is great with certificates, diplomas, and degrees, www.getsmarter.com is great with short courses from amazing institutions.
5. Temp Work
Offer your services to your old company as temp work – not ideal but a possibility if they have a short-term project you can help with (if bridges are still ok and you left on good terms). OR contact some temp agencies like Kelly Recruitment or Quest and see if they have anything for you.
6. Start your own business!
Well starting your own business is not easy, it is extremely rewarding. Many new businesses you do not need capital you need an idea. Once you have an idea start a free Facebook business page and you can start! Once you have a business plan and it is fully detailed you can go shopping for some funding. If you know you can do it better – why not start? Great way to beat being unemployed.
7. Consulting
Do you specialize in a specific industry, role, task? Why not offer your services to companies in that industry by offering consultancy hours (pay per hour) or contracts (pay per project/month)? If you cannot find something full time why not find something that will fill some hours – you may even find a new job or business this way.
Each time I found myself unemployed due to retrenchment I found one of these ways helped me keep busy, gave me some of my confidence back so I did find a new job or a new business. Each of the 7 ways I have used in my career at one time or another – I freelanced, blogged (at least it gave me some experience), study (I am now completing my honours through UNISA), temp work, consulted, I started my own business but mostly when I did charity work it showed me that my situation was not as dire as I thought. Give yourself some perspective!