Is remote work really that much better?

Is remote work really that much better?

What we think of as ‘going to work’ is changing for many people. A recent article by BusinessTech explores why many South Africans don’t think it’s worth driving into work anymore. They cite reasons including workplace stress, the stress of commuting, and the rising cost of fuel. The internet makes it possible for many people to work out of the office. We learned that during lockdown. Take it from a team that knows, thriving as remote workforce is not only possible, but also likely. Here are some reasons we think remote work is a huge benefit to your company and employees.

1. Employees Save with Remote Work

Fuel costs are on the rise, so less time spent on the roads, the more money you save. For employees with a significant commute, this can mean saving thousands every month. Along with the money saved on commutes, employees could be saving a ton of time that would otherwise be spent in traffic. Even smaller cost considerations like cosmetics and clothing add up after a while and having to spend less on these can save employees time and money.

2. Companies Save with Remote Work

Have a business that can operate entirely online? You could save a huge amount every year by having your employees work remotely. Office rental, utilities, printers – these are all expenses that aren’t always necessary. There are certain roles that can’t be performed offsite. You can still save on overheads like electricity, consumables, and stationery by allowing those who can to work offsite fulltime or even part-time.

3. Candidates Prefer Companies who Offer Remote or Hybrid Work

A survey by Owl Labs found that 59% of candidates say they would be more likely to accept a role that offers remote work opportunities than a role that doesn’t. Employees who are offered work from home opportunities are also more likely to recommend the company to family and friends on the job market. Missing out on offering remote work could lose you great potential talent when hiring.

4. Employees Are More Productive

According to a Standford study, the performance of employees was boosted by 22% when allowed to work remotely. Not having to deal with commute traffic can contribute to a healthier mindset when starting the day. There’s less office small talk, so employees aren’t as distracted. It also means that if an employee catches something and gets sick, there’s a good chance it won’t affect the rest of your workforce the way it might if they were all sharing the same space.

5. Employees Have Better Quality of Life

Employees who work remotely are mostly happier. They have less stress from commuting, more time for family and friends, and less stress when it comes to family responsibility such as when a child or partner is sick. It also frees up time and money for employees to pursue interests that relax and fill them.

6. Remote Work is Better for the Environment

Fewer cars on the road mean fewer harmful emissions. We saw this during the lockdown when huge reduction in road traffic contributed to huge reductions in the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Obviously, some roles have to be performed onsite, but you can help reduce carbon emissions by allowing people to work offsite where possible.

In Summary:

Having teams in the same place is great for team building and ease of communication, but this can be achieved through set meetings and office days. Allowing your employees the flexibility to work in a space they’re comfortable with and eliminate the time they spend travelling is not only a benefit to the mental wellbeing of your employees, but can also be a huge benefit to your company.