Studying part-time is difficult! Knowing if a short course will help versus a 3-to-6-year (if you doing it part time) degree? A difficult question, but often we learn in hiring those short courses do not help you get hired, they only help you with knowing more.
Let me explain, I finished school and did not quite know what I wanted to do. I went to a college and received a diploma in a short programming course. I managed then to find an IT job and worked my way up the career ladder. When I started to look for more senior and managerial roles, I found that most roles required a degree. I started to study through correspondence to get my degree through UNISA, in my late 20’s. I received my degree in my 30’s and yes, I can say it has helped get me hired. And yes, I earned more.
To answer the question any studying will help and starting with a short course will often help you to know if you can study part-time and then you can step up to a degree.
I know the next sentence, ‘but I don’t have time’ or ‘I can’t afford it’ – trust me I said the same, let me share some pointers in how to study part-time with answering those usual ‘excuses’.
All it takes is 45 minutes a day. If you still say you don’t have that much time it means missing one episode of a Netflix episode, or less scrolling through Facebook or getting up 45 minutes earlier. You can find the time, its determining how much do you want it?
All it takes is 45 minutes a day. If you still say you don’t have that much time it means missing one episode of a Netflix episode, or less scrolling through Facebook or getting up 45 minutes earlier. You can find the time, its determining how much do you want it?
- But I dont have time?
All it takes is 45 minutes a day. If you still say you don’t have that much time it means missing one episode of a Netflix episode, or less scrolling through Facebook or getting up 45 minutes earlier. You can find the time, its determining how much do you want it?
- I don’t have the money.
University always sounds expensive, but if you budget and go through a correspondence university like UNISA (www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default) they offer payment plans and you can look at student loans. Think of it this way if you go out less (because you will need the time to study), which means you need to buy less – you can start to afford the degree. Or cut out Netflix or less data for Facebook. Also, due to doing it part time you do less modules in a semester so the whole university fee isn’t required upfront.
- But will it really benefit me?
The saying goes ‘learn more to earn me’ so yes it will most definitely benefit you. If anything, it will teach you discipline, give you huge motivation that you can work and study and get a degree! And mostly if you are determined and want to climb your career ladder – a degree will ALWAYS help!
- I don’t know where to start.
Well, this blog is a start! Google is your friend, and many university websites are helpful. Decide what you want to study then type into google:
“degree” AND “South Africa” AND “correspondence” AND (“part time” OR “part-time” OR “parttime) AND “business”.
Where business is where you enter your interest. This is a good start!
- What about the extra costs?
You will need a notebook, pen, and a textbook. And yes, textbooks can be VERY expensive, but there are lots of students from a previous year trying to sell theirs so go to Google or Facebook or ask around and you will find someone very willing to sell their textbook. And yes electricity helps and loadshedding does not help that, but when I had this problem I just used a candle (so add a candle to your budget).
- But I don’t know how to study.
Yes, you do, you passed Matric! You studied for 12 years and passed every year. Studying is quite simple to get into a routine. Open the section in your book where you need to study, read, and underline the important parts. Then write those in a book, then take those notes and make a summary. As you will notice it’s all about repetition, and even better you have Google to ask questions for parts you do not understand.
- But I won’t have a life?
I promise you will, and it will be a much more enriched life as you will know more! You will spend 45 minutes less each day watching Netflix or scrolling through Facebook – trust me it will open your eyes to a whole new life. And if you get up earlier in the day to study it definitely won’t be affecting your life too much.
We hope these answers to the ‘excuses’ help, you will be amazed at what you can do when you are disciplined. Any study is earned day by day of studying, not in cramming the night before and stressing. We wish you well while you learn more to earn more (to check on salaries you can earn go to https://jobcrystal.co.za/salary-benchmark.php).
Written by Sasha Knott, CEO of Job Crystal who holds a BCom in Business Management through UNISA and recently completed her Honours in Business Management through UNISA (while running a business, being a mom and surviving a pandemic). #youcandoit